Save money…
Parts don’t last forever, and neither do the warranties. In the past, companies have typically replaced their equipment when performance began to wane and the warranty expired. That’s no longer the case, with RESET’s out-of-warranty support, companies can keep their older equipment operating at peak efficiency. Just imagine the amount of money you can save by not having to unnecessarily replace equipment.
One of the main problems with projects involving “parts” is the resources required to effectively troubleshoot which results in companies attempting to makeshift a temporary solution. RESET has made it their business to rip off the band-aid and find the long-term solution that works best for each client. RESET doesn’t just create new parts to replace those that are out of warranty, they also consult with their team of product and technical experts to see if its repairable In the end, RESET will save you valuable time and money.
Putting it together…
RESET has extensive experience overseeing a wide range of assembly or re-work projects. Our production area has been used for short and long-term final assembly of parts, packaging, kitting of sub-parts, and even re-branding projects.
Setting it up…
RESET provides service teams with multiple support options, ranging from new installation staging, final assembly, testing, bundle parts shipping, to the procurement of parts from multiple locations.
Sometimes it all comes apart…
The RESET Re-Work bar is exactly as it states, we “re-work” parts to perform at their original proficiency. Sometimes it’s as simple as a small repair and other times a full refurbish is required to extend the product life. RESET will take the device apart and perform a full diagnostic to determine the health of the product. If a repair or good cleaning doesn’t do the trick, they have the ability to utilize legacy parts or harvest components with the “re-work” bar.